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10 Polite Ways To End A Conversation With A Coworker That Has Run Its Course

10 Polite Ways To End A Conversation With A Coworker That Has Run Its Course

The Office Bantomime Team profile image
by The Office Bantomime Team

Have you ever found yourself trapped in a seemingly endless work conversation, desperately wishing for an escape route? It's a common workplace scenario, and if you're too polite to steer the conversation toward more productive topics, it can be frustrating. Whether you'd rather be tackling your tasks or scrolling through Instagram memes, we've got you covered.

Let's explore 10 ingenious ways to liberate yourself from the clutches of a coworker who's determined to make you their sounding board, be it about their workplace grievances or the latest financial woes caused by exorbitant vet bills. And let's not forget the coworker fresh from vacation, eager to inundate you with countless beachside tequila-drinking snapshots.

These attention enthusiasts believe the world hangs on their every word, but you needn't be their captive audience. Discover the art of extricating yourself with grace using the following tactics.

1) "Sorry, I'm about to jump into a Teams meeting. Can we catch up later?"

Imagine being tethered to your desk, enduring a monologue that threatens to push you to the brink of sanity. In this dire scenario, mentioning an impending Teams meeting is your escape hatch to freedom. Your coworker will likely understand, leaving you in peace to hop on that call you've "suddenly" remembered.

2) "Oh, my phone is buzzing—I've got to take this call."

Your smartphone can be your knight in shining armor, rescuing you from coworkers who revel in company gossip and never-ending rants. Just be discreet when retrieving your phone, as they might be nosy enough to inquire about the caller. Walk away calmly and, once out of sight, make your escape at a brisk pace.

3) "I've been fighting off a nasty bug—vomiting and all. I hope it's not contagious."

For those hallway encounters when you're craving a sandwich but not a lengthy conversation, invoke the time-tested "virus excuse." Watch them scurry away while offering you well-wishes. If they steer the conversation toward their past illnesses, feign nausea and sprint for the nearest restroom.

4) "Ugh, my phone battery is on its last breath."

When stuck on a call with a talkative coworker, maneuvering your way out can be as tricky as a face-to-face conversation. But fear not, for a nearly depleted phone battery is your silver lining. They'll surely understand your predicament.

5) "I'm off to the doctor for an ear syringing—can't hear well at all."

Whether you're cornered in the break room or by the water cooler, this excuse works like a charm. Act as if you're struggling to hear from the moment they start their monologue. Apologize and feign frustration about your impaired hearing—whether you like the person or not, it's your ticket out.

6) "Anyway, let me check if my boss is waiting for me in reception, as he mentioned."

Timing is key, and when the opportunity arises, drop this line: "Anyway, let me see if my boss is waiting for me in reception, as he mentioned." It's a direct exit strategy that hints at potential consequences if you stay engaged. Your coworker won't want to be responsible for getting you into trouble with the boss.

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7) "Could You Lend a Hand with This Task?"

Transform the situation into an opportunity. While you'd rather not endure another half-hour of endless chatter, seize the moment to assign your coworker a task that you've been avoiding. You never know—they might genuinely want to help and resolve the issue at hand. Alternatively, they might scramble for an excuse to escape, having no intention of assisting you.

8) "Excuse Me, I Need a Quick Restroom Break."

Using a restroom break as an excuse may not always be glamorous, but it's both honest and impossible to deny. It's your surefire ticket out of the conversation with the chatterbox. Just ensure you discreetly check outside the restroom entrance to ensure they haven't decided to linger and wait for your return, which might indicate a slightly unusual level of persistence.

9) "Oops, I Just Realized I Left My Car Keys in the Meeting Room."

This excuse works wonders, especially if you're on your way out of the office. Nobody wants to discuss work past 5 PM when your brain has already shifted into weekend mode, yearning for a comfy couch, delicious food, a glass of your favorite beverage, and some mindless TV. Swiftly walk away, as your conversation partner might offer to grab their coat and help you search for the keys on your way out.

10) "How About We Continue This Over Drinks After Work? I'm Swamped Right Now."

If you genuinely like the person, extending an invitation for a post-work drink is an effective way to gracefully exit a tedious conversation. This way, you can get back to your tasks, and the person won't be offended, as you're still showing interest in continuing the conversation later. However, if you don't particularly care for them and they accept your invite, you'll need to concoct an excuse to dodge it when the time comes. Be cautious, especially if it's someone you know is attracted to you, to ensure that the invitation remains strictly work-related and not mistaken for a date.


Remember, politeness is key, whether you're fond of the person or not. There's no need to be rude. Armed with these 10 strategies, you'll have the tools to gracefully sidestep conversations that not only bore you but also drain your precious time.

The Office Bantomime Team profile image
by The Office Bantomime Team

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