10 Ways To Deal With The Idiot In The Office

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for entertainment purposes only. It is not meant to be taken seriously and should not be used as actual advice for dealing with difficult coworkers, unless you really need to of course.

Let's face it, we've all worked with at least one idiot in our professional lives. You know the type - the person who doesn't seem to understand even the most basic concepts, the one who consistently misses deadlines, and the one who always manages to annoy everyone in the office.

So, how do you deal with idiots in the workplace? Here are some humorous tips that might just help you survive:

  1. Use small words: If you're dealing with an idiot, it's best to keep things simple. Use small words and short sentences to communicate your point. Avoid using technical jargon or complex concepts - they'll just go right over their head.
  2. Smile and nod: Sometimes, the best way to deal with an idiot is to just smile and nod. If they're saying something particularly dumb, just smile and nod your head. It's not worth arguing with them, and it will save you both a lot of time and energy.
  3. Learn to laugh: When dealing with an idiot, sometimes you just have to laugh. They're going to say and do things that are so ridiculous, you just can't help but find them amusing. Just make sure you're not laughing at them to their face - that's just mean.
  4. Use sarcasm: If you're feeling particularly frustrated, you can always use sarcasm to get your point across. Just be careful not to be too aggressive - you don't want to hurt their feelings (even though they probably don't have any).
  5. Avoid them: If all else fails, you can always try to avoid the idiot altogether. This might mean changing your schedule, avoiding the break room when they're there, or just finding a new job. Sometimes, it's just not worth the headache.
  6. Set clear boundaries: If the idiot in your workplace is causing a lot of disruptions and making it difficult for you to do your job, it's important to set clear boundaries. Let them know what is and isn't acceptable behavior, and make sure to document any instances where they cross the line. This will not only help you protect yourself, but it may also help the idiot understand how their behavior is impacting others.
  7. Get support: Dealing with an idiot in the workplace can be stressful, so it's important to get support from others. Talk to your boss, HR, or a coworker you trust about the situation. They may be able to offer some advice or help you come up with a plan for dealing with the idiot.
  8. Practice empathy: As frustrating as it can be to work with an idiot, it's important to try to practice empathy. Remember that they may be struggling with something you're not aware of, and that their behavior may not be intentional. Try to put yourself in their shoes and see things from their perspective - this may help you find a way to work together more effectively.
  9. Keep things in perspective: While it can be easy to get caught up in the frustration of dealing with an idiot, it's important to keep things in perspective. Remember that this is just a job, and that there are more important things in life. Try to find ways to let go of the stress and frustration, whether it's through exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones.
  10. Have a sense of humor: At the end of the day, sometimes the best way to deal with an idiot is just to have a sense of humor about the situation. Laugh at their ridiculous comments, make jokes with your coworkers, and find ways to lighten the mood. After all, life is too short to take everything so seriously.


Dealing with idiots in the workplace can be a real challenge. But with a little humor and a lot of patience, you can survive even the most frustrating coworker. Remember, it's not always about being right - sometimes, it's just about getting through the day without losing your mind. Good luck!

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