4 ways to reboot and reset your mind
Suppose you're feeling a little worn and tired of the world and seeking a method to recharge. How about trying mindfulness?

The simple act of pausing and sitting in awareness can result in a profound sensation of restoration and regeneration. Take a few moments to experience what it's like to be alive in your body right now. Consider your body and ask yourself,
"How is my body expressing its aliveness right now?"
1) Allow your focus to drift to the sensations of your body touching whatever is sustaining it.
It could be the floor, a cushion, a bed, or a couch. Feel your body supported by whatever is beneath you. This is my body resting, supported by what's beneath me right now, and I'm glad.
2) Allow your body to relax in the sensation of space around it.
Allow your focus to be on your skin, and with each exhale, let your attention begin to expand out beyond the skin, just going out a few inches around the skin, resting in this space. Imagine that, with every exhalation, you begin to sense your body being held by the vastness of space.
3) For a few moments, allow your attention to rest in the space around your body.
Breathe in deeply and feel your body held in loving awareness. As you exhale, be grateful for the space around your body. Allow your body to unwind.
4) Put your hand on your heart and express gratitude and appreciation for your body.
The area surrounding your body, and this moment of repose and keep in mind your thanks for one method is to use our bodies. Always return to this. A sensation of calm, presence and comfort.