5 Places To Make Out In The Workplace

Office environments can be both exhilarating and stressful, prompting individuals to seek various outlets for coping with the demands of a 9-to-5 job. While some employees choose after-work drinks, exercise, or hobbies like bird spotting or playing board games, others find themselves captivated by the allure of office romances and the fantasy of making out with a coworker within the workplace.

The thrill and excitement can be overwhelming for some people and to deal with it they have no choice but to carry out their sexual desire in the most inconvenient of places.

Disclaimer: Always remember to adhere to office rules and maintain professionalism.

1) The storage room

The storage room may not be the most romantic setting for intimate moments with a partner, but it can prove to be quite convenient if it's sufficiently spacious and you possess the key to secure it. However, if you opt to engage in such activities during office hours without the key, there is a significant risk of being stumbled upon by maintenance personnel or a newly hired employee searching for the restroom but inadvertently entering the wrong room.

Your best course of action would likely be to wait until after office hours. Nonetheless, if you find yourself lacking the key, there's a possibility of getting inadvertently locked inside for the night. Explaining this predicament in the morning might prove to be quite challenging.

2) The Rooftop

Many office buildings feature rooftop terraces that provide an enticing opportunity for romantic encounters. However, engaging in such activities during the day carries a higher risk due to the presence of coworkers utilizing the rooftop for their leisure. To minimize these risks, it is advisable to schedule rendezvous for after-hours on warm summer nights. Nevertheless, caution must be exercised to ensure the avoidance of surveillance cameras.

It is essential to familiarize oneself with the placement of these cameras to prevent any footage from being inadvertently shared on the internet by bored security guards. Additionally, understanding the security guards' patrol patterns becomes crucial, as they are more likely to inspect the roof on pleasant evenings. Similar to the storage room, one should also verify if the door to the rooftop is locked in the evening to avoid being stranded during a thunderstorm throughout the night.

3) The Hidden Stairwell

Engaging in intimate activities in office stairwells can be enticing, but it's important to remain alert and considerate. When passionately kissing and cuddling, it's easy to overlook someone approaching or leaving the staircase.

If you possess keen hearing and only plan on keeping things relatively mild, you can appear as if you were engaged in a conversation on the stairs or walking towards a meeting. However, if you and your partner are adventurous and desire a more intense experience, it is advisable to pursue such activities outside of regular working hours.

Don't forget to consider the presence of security personnel who ensure the safety of the premises.

4) The After-Hours Office

It's not uncommon for individuals to entertain fantasies of intimacy with someone at their workplace at some point during their professional lives. Although the office can be a busy environment during working hours, the atmosphere undergoes a transformation in the evening when everyone has left for the day.

The mere thought of indulging in passionate moments on your boss's desk or in the kitchen area, or anywhere else for that matter, can quicken your heartbeat and set aflutter the butterflies in your stomach. Enduring a 9-to-5 workday, eagerly counting down the final five minutes, and knowing that the office will be exclusively yours for the night, can make the monotony of those hours worthwhile.

However, it's crucial to exercise caution and do some thorough preparation before embarking on such an escapade. Take note of the location of surveillance cameras and their angles of coverage. Familiarize yourself with the evening patrolling routine of the security personnel, which may require you to work late or feign doing so. Engaging in sexual activity within view of these cameras or encountering security personnel could not only jeopardize your employment but also provide an exhilarating thrill.

Additionally, be mindful of colleagues who work late shifts, as they can disrupt your plans. Whether they stay back to complete their work, are assigned late shifts, or fulfil other roles like diligent programmers, customer service analysts, or dedicated cleaners, their presence in the building late into the night can unexpectedly thwart your intentions.

Remaining vigilant at all times is of utmost importance.

5) The Conference Room

The conference room is often regarded as one of the most mundane spaces in the entire building, where monotonous meetings take place day in and day out. Many would rather doze off than endure lengthy PowerPoint presentations and listen to overzealous individuals rambling on about irrelevant statistics.

However, engaging in intimate activities in this room could inject a surge of excitement into its otherwise dreary existence. You might even indulge in the fantasy that your peers are clandestinely observing your passionate encounter, adding a thrill to the experience.

Even if you manage to book the conference room at any given time during the day, there's no guarantee that someone won't unexpectedly barge in. If you happen to possess the key, you could potentially lock the room, but this might raise suspicion from an inquisitive busybody wondering why the room appears unoccupied when, in reality, it's being utilized by two amorous individuals frolicking across the tables.

Perhaps it's best to reserve the conference room for after-hours activities. However, do keep in mind the cautionary advice mentioned in point number four of this blog, which highlights the possibility of other individuals utilizing the office outside of regular working hours.

Disclaimer: It's important to acknowledge that engaging in romantic activities at the office can have consequences, both personal and professional. While these hidden corners offer opportunities for stolen moments, always prioritize maintaining a professional demeanour in the workplace.

Remember that building relationships on a foundation of trust, respect, and appropriate boundaries is crucial for long-term success, both personally and professionally.

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