5 Ways To Master Being A Leader In The Work Place?

Have you ever wondered what it takes to reach the highest levels of leadership? The answer often includes a quality called "dominant presence," which, alongside timing, experience, network, and confidence, serves as the missing link between merit and success.

While the concept may seem straightforward, developing dominant presence can be a puzzling endeavor, particularly for those new to management or early in their careers. In this blog, we will explore the importance of dominant presence and discuss practical strategies for cultivating this essential trait.

The Importance of dominant Presence:

Imagine finding yourself in a situation where your manager unexpectedly tells you that you need to "level up your presence." This exact scenario happened to my colleague last year after joining a new company. She was taken aback and bewildered, unable to grasp the meaning behind this vague feedback.

Upon further investigation, she soon discovered that her team perceived her as "too informal," which negatively impacted her credibility. Even if you haven't experienced such feedback, it is crucial to consider the impression you leave on others. Your attitude, body language, and confidence are being observed and judged alongside your performance.

Remember, people form initial impressions within seconds of meeting someone. The question then becomes not whether you create an impression but whether you create the desired one.

Building A Presence In The Work Place:

The good news is that anyone can develop an dominant presence with some dedicated effort. Here are a few strategies to help you improve your own:

  1. Start by actively seeking feedback on your presence. This step is especially crucial if you currently hold or aspire to leadership roles. Seek input from your manager, direct reports, colleagues, and mentors. Ask them questions such as:
  • How would you characterize my presence style?
  • What are your overall impressions of me?
  • In what ways can I enhance my communication to have a greater impact?
  1. Enhance Self-Awareness: Building dominant presence requires a deep understanding of yourself. Take the time to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, identifying areas where you can improve. Actively seek opportunities to observe your behavior and its impact on others. This self-awareness will help you make conscious adjustments to your presence.
  2. Master Non-Verbal Communication: Non-verbal cues play a significant role in how others perceive you. Pay attention to your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. Practice open and confident postures, maintain eye contact, and modulate your voice to convey authority and warmth.
  3. Develop Active Listening Skills: Truly listening to others demonstrates your presence and respect. Practice active listening by focusing on the speaker, maintaining eye contact, and avoiding distractions. Show genuine interest by asking follow-up questions and summarizing their points. These actions will enhance your connection and influence.
  4. Cultivate Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence is a key component of dominant presence. Develop your ability to understand and manage your emotions, as well as empathize with others. By showing empathy, adaptability, and composure, you will establish trust and create a positive impact on those around you.
  5. Be Present: Being fully present and maintaining a strong sense of focus is crucial for demonstrating executive presence. It's essential to avoid engaging in multitasking, letting your mind wander, or allowing thoughts of accumulated work to consume your attention during meetings or interactions with others. These distractions can diminish your presence and hinder effective communication. nstead, make a conscious effort to stay mentally engaged in the moment. Show your commitment to active participation by asking insightful questions and contributing meaningful comments that build upon the ongoing discussion. By demonstrating genuine attentiveness, you not only enhance your understanding of the conversation but also display respect and consideration for others in the room.


While dominant presence may seem elusive, it is a skill that can be cultivated through self-reflection, feedback, and intentional practice.

By taking the time to understand your impact on others, mastering non-verbal communication, sharpening your active listening skills, and developing emotional intelligence, you can strengthen your dominant presence and propel yourself toward greater success.

Remember, having a dominant presence is not solely about projecting confidence but also about inspiring confidence.