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James Mason profile image

James Mason

Meet James, a seasoned blogger with an impressive eighteen-year career in the private sector. Throughout his professional journey, he has donned various hats.

192 Posts

James Mason cover image
Office Romance: Boosting Popularity and Productivity or a Recipe for Disaster? post image

Office Romance: Boosting Popularity and Productivity or a Recipe for Disaster?

Decoding Workplace Jargon: What Does 'Boiling the Ocean' Really Mean? post image

Decoding Workplace Jargon: What Does 'Boiling the Ocean' Really Mean?

5 Ways To Organise Your Day And Achieve Success post image

5 Ways To Organise Your Day And Achieve Success

Surviving the Reservoir Dogs Management Style: Adapting to Aggressive Leadership post image

Surviving the Reservoir Dogs Management Style: Adapting to Aggressive Leadership

Why Do They Use The Phrase "Ping Me" In The Workplace? post image

Why Do They Use The Phrase "Ping Me" In The Workplace?

Why Does The Stationary Cupboard Always Seem To Be Empty in The Workplace? post image

Why Does The Stationary Cupboard Always Seem To Be Empty in The Workplace?

Why Do Some Candidates Choose To Ghost An Interview? post image

Why Do Some Candidates Choose To Ghost An Interview?

Dressing for Success: Mastering Interview Attire in a Diverse Workplace post image

Dressing for Success: Mastering Interview Attire in a Diverse Workplace

Rethinking Job Interviews: What an Hour-Long Wait Reveals About Employer Values post image

Rethinking Job Interviews: What an Hour-Long Wait Reveals About Employer Values

Answering Work Calls After Hours: Exploring UK Employment Rights and Work-Life Balance post image

Answering Work Calls After Hours: Exploring UK Employment Rights and Work-Life Balance

Is Your Boss a Mind-Erasing Master? The Men in Black Effect at Work post image

Is Your Boss a Mind-Erasing Master? The Men in Black Effect at Work

Can Children's Playground Breaks in the Workplace Carpark Help Revolutionize Mental Health? post image

Can Children's Playground Breaks in the Workplace Carpark Help Revolutionize Mental Health?