Did I download the wrong program of my life?

Did I select the wrong program of my life to download, just before I was born?

They say your destiny is mapped out for you and that it's all part of some bigger plan. Surely before you entered the womb of your mother, God would have given you a rundown on the rules of life and then offer you a life programme to try out?

Photo by Jose Castillo on Unsplash

It would be simple to think that you could choose your destiny and have some idea of who you will become and how successful your life would be.

This is considering that reincarnation is real of course, and we get to download a new life every time we die and pass over. But how do we account for the murderers, rapists, mad people, victims of monstrosity, poor, ill, depressed and traffic wardens?

Maybe there is a technical glitch in the enlightened software and many people are born with a corrupted destiny. Others are fine and find the wholesome life they wanted, by either being content, rich, clever, confident, beautiful, in love or a recruitment consultant.

Is the download tool on the other side not working? Or hasn't been for some time and just needs fixing, and we were all meant to lead wonderful lives and care about one another and the world around us. Time has no meaning in the afterlife so we are told, but the chances of it being fixed soon are highly unlikely.

The Devil

Does the devil have a masters degree in computer hacking and for over two thousand years has done a great job of ensuring the life program is not fixed?

Maybe the devil can't fix it and this is why he is getting the blame for all that's wrong in the world. Sometimes it works and few people get the charmed life they wanted, but when the life program crashes many suffer terrible torturous lives.

Is it even possible that both the Devil and God have their sleeves rolled up and have been racking their brains for the last ten thousand years trying to fix the issue?

How many lives have you led?

This could be your first time on the planet earth, while others may have had hundreds or even thousands of different lives since humans walked on the planet.

The big problem is, none of us knows the truth unless we're one of those who are already following a world religion and have faith in our destiny. If you're not, then unfortunately there is not a lot to go on. You may be lucky and find the answer on the internet or some divine intervention bumps into you on the bus and tells you everything is going to be alright. You may have died already for a short time and had an out-of-body experience. As you drifted to the light someone or something has given you the thumbs up that your birth certificate gets you a guaranteed place in heaven.

The Scary Question

What if there is nothing when you pass away? What if when you die you are simply dead? Look at it like this, you are asleep but not breathing forever. There are no dreams either. This is quite a scary thought but not for an insomniac.

Is it possible that you could even come back as an animal or a flower? Or maybe a bacteria. Too many questions and no answers.

Being reborn as bacteria has to be the worse thing possible. Why would you deserve this? You led a decent life and helped people and were kind but now you have come back as a bacteria called Klebsiella pneumoniae. This is a very dangerous bacteria that can cause someone's brain tissue to swell. So now you have come back as a mass murderer and that's your purpose.

According to science the bacterial life cycle in layman's terms is to be born, grow and divide. So technically bacteria is immortal. Maybe it's absolute bliss after all you have a purpose. I'd be surprised if bacteria were to suffer from depression or find the need to win a gold medal at the Olympics.


The truth is, we are not meant to know what happens after life and it may not matter if we are not in a position to understand or even notice when we reach the final curtain. No one has come back from the dead to tell us the answer, or at least no one I know has. However, if choosing your next life is true then you never know, the enlightened software might just work this time and you might come back as the person you desired to become.