How to follow the JFDI process
Alexander the Great employed it, and some argue that Napoleon Bonaparte also used it. However, is it appropriate to use it in the workplace?
What does JFDI stand for?
JFDI, short for 'Just F*cking Do It,' is a technique that has been in use for over 2000 years and is still utilized by many influential leaders today and in the past. However, the increasing number of business processes in organizations has hindered JFDI and caused it to lose its way due to numerous red tapes and constraints that prevent its application when it is most necessary, particularly in business.
One example of JFDI being neglected is in Change Management, where the use of this excellent approach could have been beneficial.

JFDI can sometimes yield results far faster than waiting for paint to dry.
Examples of how and where (JFDI) has worked
Saving someone from drowning
Imagine rescuing someone from a polluted canal who is not breathing, and you are qualified to save them. In such a scenario, would you wait for paperwork to be signed off before performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? Of course not! Instead, you would quickly call an ambulance and have a paramedic provide mouth-to-mouth resuscitation without hesitation.
Richard and Jeff's space mission
Sir Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos recently flew into space, but how did they do it? They didn't waste time worrying about the cost of £105.8 million for every 60 seconds spent in space. If they did, they would still be working 9 to 5 jobs and only dreaming of going slightly above the atmosphere. Instead, they just fcking did it! They made it happen and are now considered heroes.
Busy Bees
Insects are a prime example of productivity. Bees, for instance, do not bother with applying for mortgages or building permits when constructing their hives. They build them wherever and whenever they choose, and they complete them without seeking permission to gather honey from neighboring gardens. The queen bee, who lives and remains in the hive, is fed the honey.
Bees are not fussy about flying from flower to flower in search of pollen. Even if they establish their colony in a school classroom, they may be swatted by a mischievous child, stepped on, or have their hive destroyed. Nevertheless, they don't complain about paperwork or regulations; they simply get the job done.
Alexander the Great
On the eve of the battle of Gaugamela, Alexander the Great sat with his generals, who were concerned about being outnumbered by Darius III's Persian army. The Persians had about 100,000 soldiers, while Alexander's army had only 47,000.
Alexander's generals apologized and excused themselves, saying they needed rest to conserve energy for the next day's battle. However, Alexander urged them to stay and continue drinking. One of his generals, Parmenion, predicted that they would lose the battle, given the overwhelming Persian force.
"How will we manage it, Great Leader?" Parmenion asked.
Alexander replied, "We'll just drink through the night and not worry about it," as he looked up from his empty cup. And so, they drank gallon after gallon of wine until they all passed out, except for Alexander and Parmenion.
The next morning, the other generals were found dead from wine intoxication, and Parmenion asked Alexander, "What shall we do now, Great Leader?"
Alexander responded with determination, saying, "We'll just f*cking do it."
Alexander had one of his biggest victories that day, despite having a hangover from hell, yet he JFDI.
How do I know when to use the (JFDI) process?
Knowing when to JFDI can be challenging at times. Instinct! We all have it, so use it when something feels right.
What are you going to do if you can update the infrastructure to fix a major business outage? If you don't have time, you won't create a change record, fill out all the tedious fields, and then wait for it to be accepted. (JFDI).
If a customer calls you at work at 5:30 p.m., and you are scheduled to conclude your shift at 5:30 p.m., you do the right thing and JFDI by hanging up on time.
You just got paid by your company, it's Friday, and you want to go out and spend some money. 'Should I call in sick?' (JFDI)
Should I hug my boss this morning? (JFDI)
Should I give my notice if I don't have another employment lined up? (JDFI)
Should I (JFDI) and make myself a coffee and not offer my colleagues?
Making coffee for coworkers can be a stressful task, especially when you have to remember everyone's preferences and navigate small talk. And what if your manager comes in and asks about an email you haven't responded to yet? But the truth is, you've accepted coffee from others for years without ever returning the favor because you were too lazy to go to the kitchen.
One day, on your way to the kitchen, you find it crowded with technical critters and loud consultants. So, you decide to skip it and go to the bathroom instead. But when you come back, the kitchen is miraculously empty. This is your chance to show that you're not a selfish person, and you spring into action.
As you rummage through the cupboards, you find enough mugs and milk for everyone, and there's even a new packet of chocolate digestives on the table. Suddenly, you feel a surge of energy, and the JFDI process kicks in. With a big smile, you return to your desk, take a sip of your coffee, and feel proud of yourself for just f*cking doing it.