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How to screw up at an interview

How to screw up at an interview

Have you ever experienced an interview from hell as an interviewer?

James Mason profile image
by James Mason

It was a bright May afternoon, and the job interview with a twenty-six-year-old man who had recently left the armed forces was going well. He was dressed sharply and was interviewing for a position as a technical analyst on a software company's support desk. His responses to several of the interview questions indicated that he had experience and would be a good fit with his colleagues in this role. The interviewer had neglected to ask one of the strength and weakness questions and realised it would be pertinent for the role just as he was about to leave the room.

'What is your greatest strength?' The interviewer enquired.

He paused in the doorway for a few moments, thinking.

'Despite having served in a variety of roles in the military, I was once assigned to a remote country for a twelve-month tour as a sniper. I don't remember how many times I used my sniper rifle that year, but I never missed a single target. That was my greatest strength, in my opinion.'

James Mason profile image
by James Mason

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