7 ways to motivate yourself into a lunchtime run

Do your body a world of good and do a lunchtime run

7 ways to motivate yourself into a lunchtime run

It's easy to get tied to your desk all day when working at the office or from home. Jobs these days can come with added pressure and distractions where time can be lost in meetings, messaging tools and email chains.

Remaining at your desk all day isn't good for you and can pose risks for your well being in the long run, so it's worth it, to run.😊

7 ways to motivate yourself

1) Keep a record of your runs

There are plenty of apps to monitor your jogging schedules. Here are some of the popular ones below.

Try the couch to 5k app available in Google or Applestore. This is a great way to build up your stamina and performance. By combining walking and running over a few months you'll find how your fitness levels will increase, by focusing on walking for a short period, followed by a run. A motivator will encourage you to keep on track. Before you know it, you will be hooked on running.  

Get active - Better Health
Take steps to improve your health. Move more everyday with easy tips, support and special offers from Better Health.


Strava is one of the best fitness tracking apps and great for mapping your routes. You can share your best performance times with your friends in the Strava community.

Strava | Run and Cycling Tracking on the Social Network for Athletes
Designed by athletes, for athletes, Strava’s mobile app and website connect millions of runners and cyclists through the sports they love.


Runkeeper is also praised as one of the best running apps on the market. Members get to receive detailed reporting features and training plans. Unless live tracking or advanced reports are a must, you're not missing that much by sticking with the free version.

Track your Run - ASICS Runkeeper™ Running Tracker App
Just like a real-life coach, the ASICS Runkeeper™ app will help you set your goals, train for them, and track your progress along the way.

Nike Run Club

You can set the Nike Run Club for any different running terrain such as treadmill, trails, and sidewalk. The app can also track your pace, distance, calories burned and time. Nike also offer options that let you share your goals, challenge friends and beat your record. You can also upload music to boost your performance

Nike Run Club App
Make every run count with the Nike Run Club app. Track runs, challenge friends and get motivated to keep going.

2) Find a running partner

See if anyone else in the office or even a neighbour, if you are working from home would like to join you on a lunchtime run. Maybe some of your colleagues are already jogging. Reminding a running partner your run is due should motivate you more to want to do it. It also helps to support each other on your run and add a little competition to set targets and personal bests.

3) Dress Up

Treat yourself to running gear which will make you look forward to wearing it. This will make you feel good and will help you look forward to your run. If you are slightly overweight then buy an item of clothing that is one or two sizes too small for you. Make sure it's an item of clothing you love. This will motivate you all the more to fit into it.

4) Keep a healthy weight

The more you run the more you will notice changes in your body's appearance. Knowing that your weight is being maintained and your general physique is looking healthier will inspire you to keep going. Mentally we all want to look good and once you get compliments from people you can gleam.    

5) A wholesome feeling of being alive

It may sound like a cliche but getting away from your artificial surroundings and running outside can give you a great thrill. Just breathing in the fresh air and if you are near a park or a vegetated area will help vitalise the body with good feelings.

6)  An aid for depression

There's nothing a good run can't help to reduce anxiety or bad feelings you might have had during the day. Running can help you to think more positive thoughts and confront any negativity. The feeling of accomplishment once you have completed a run, knowing that another goal has been achieved keeps the mind focused and more at ease.

7) Park Run

Park runs have become very popular over the last few years and according to google, the park run started back in 2004 when 13 runners got together on a blustery day in Bushy Park, Teddington, there are now over 3 million parkrunners. Setting goals during your lunchtime run can build you up to the 5k run on the weekend. This is another great way to meet new people who may be trying to achieve just as you are

Good Luck 🏃‍♀️🥇

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