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Should I take you off the email chain?

Why am I even on this email chain you ask yourself? What gives you the right to be taken off it?

The Office Bantomime Team profile image
by The Office Bantomime Team
Should I take you off the email chain?
Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Isn't it annoying when you are involved in a heated debate on an email chain, back and forth with the recipient, putting your points across, then all of a sudden someone responds to you directly? "Please take me off the email chain".

You may have sent an informative email to a distribution list of contacts and one of them responds, requesting not to be included in the email going forward. What makes them so special? Do they feel superior and exempt from the need to read it?

No one else responded complaining, but you did. Why?

Let's say they won the lottery or they were offered a job and they didn't get the e-mail. They would be livid. What about all the junk mail they receive on a daily basis, do they respond to every one of them?

Can't you just ignore or at least see what the debate is about? You might be able to help and advise or get involved and fight my corner.  

Subject: I'm not involved in that project anymore

Dear Recipient,

I am no longer working on the Scorpion project, therefore, please remove my name and email address from the list of those who are included in the project updates.

Thank you.


Hi Jonathan,

Are you serious?  

Weren't you the one who originally started the project in the first place, and now that things are falling apart it's someone else's problem? Great! Thanks for that. I'll take you off the email chain, but I will dedicate my life to ensuring your name is never associated with this project ever again. I am going to make this project so successful and persuade the client to speak ill of you to your superiors.

Best Regards

Subject: Take me off the Joke emails, please

Dear Recipient,

I am really struggling to manage my email inbox better. Could you please take me off the list of jokes, word of the day and any other emails in correspondence with this type of material?



Hi Layla,

I take it you are simply someone with no sense of humour whatsoever?

Everyone else finds my joke emails, funny but you apparently don't. Are the jokes offensive in some way? Perhaps if you organised your inbox better you could appreciate this email and the morale it provides to the rest of our colleagues that raises a smile to get them through another sh*t show of a day.

Best Regards

Subject: Please Do Not Reply To All Individuals

Dear Recipient,

Could I please ask you not to use Reply to all when you respond to Sasha's request for feedback? Sasha typically reviews everyone's suggestions and then sends all of us a summary. When some of us Reply to all, everyone is tempted to respond that way. which means everyone will be buried in the email we don't have to have.

I hope my request is reasonable to you. Please email me if you have any questions or comments about it.

Thank You


Hi Jennifer,

I thought it would be a good idea to provide my feedback to everyone included in the email. This way, you would know my feelings towards this subject immediately. No disrespect to Sasha, but she could drop dead at any moment or be fired from her position at any time and you would never know what my true thoughts around this subject would be.

Besides, if your only concern is my email cluttering up your inbox, then you've definitely led a sheltered life. Haven't you read the news recently, where the world faces one of the biggest pandemics of this century along with all the other problems we face? People are dying in the thousands, climate change is out of control and violence is erupting in many places.

However, I am sorry if my email has ruined your day and will ensure in future, I just leave you off the response and make everyone else aware of my feedback.

Sorry for causing depression and anxiety in my earlier response.

Have a nice day.

It's Gonna Be A Fun Day In The Office Tomorrow!
The Office Bantomime Team profile image
by The Office Bantomime Team

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