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"Should You Be Giving Your Co-Workers Daily Hugs? The Surprising Power of Workplace Cuddles!

"Discover the surprising benefits of workplace cuddles and why they might just be the missing ingredient in your office camaraderie!"

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by The Office Bantomime Team
"Should You Be Giving Your Co-Workers Daily Hugs? The Surprising Power of Workplace Cuddles!

Would it be wrong to cuddle your co-workers on a daily basis?

We've all been there - a tough meeting where senior managers are dissecting your recent project mishap, leaving you feeling like a deflated balloon. It's an awful feeling, reminiscent of childhood days when you broke a window with a football or raided your mom's purse for some questionable snacks. Remember how unbearable that parental scolding felt?

But here's the twist: after the scolding, when your parents eventually forgave you and wrapped you in a warm, comforting hug, it felt like all your troubles vanished into thin air. The pain of the reprimand melted away, and you could move forward with a renewed spirit.

Now, imagine if your senior managers followed the same playbook. Instead of reprimanding you endlessly, they decided to end the meeting with a heartwarming embrace.

"Alright, you messed up, but we know you'll do better next time. Come here and have a cuddle," they say.

That single, compassionate cuddle has the incredible power to crush your anxieties, fears, and insecurities, instantly making you feel forgiven. If this heartwarming gesture isn't motivation to excel in your future endeavours, then perhaps nothing else could, except, of course, a raise. 🤗💼

But let's face it, while cuddling your co-workers daily may not be the norm, it's essential to maintain professionalism. So, save those cuddles for special moments of celebration, and remember, there's no harm in a little extra empathy in the workplace!" 🌟

Benefits of Cuddling - The Facts

  • When we cuddle our bodies release "feel good" hormones. These hormones include oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin. When the hormones are released, our bodies will experience feelings of being happy with a relaxing and more improved mood, which helps to reduce and lower levels of depression.
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Fight off sickness
  • Feeling horny

Footballers have been cuddling for years

Picture this: A footballer scores a game-changing goal, and what follows is an epic celebration. Shirts are flung, embraces are shared, and teammates revel in the joy of success. But why can't we bring this same celebratory spirit into the office?

The Service Desk Goal

Imagine you're in an office, working on the Service Desk as an analyst. You've just resolved a client's IT issue within the service level agreement, with a mere five minutes to spare. Your name lights up on the dashboard monitor, broadcasting your remarkable achievement to the entire office.

In a daring move, you leap from your chair, shedding your shirt or blouse, and embark on an exhilarating victory lap through the open-plan office. Analysts, managers, directors, and even the CEO give chase, showering you with hugs and embraces until you collapse in euphoria. Surround sound speakers amplify the moment with a roaring audience cheer. Wouldn't this make your workplace the envy of every professional?

But What If You Can't Stand Your Co-Worker?

Of course, every workplace has its share of challenging personalities - bullies, racists, sexists, ageists, perverts, egotistical maniacs, psychopaths, and those with questionable hygiene. Just the thought of being in the same room with them might send shivers down your spine.

However, consider this: even if the situation is closely monitored by a vigilant line manager, there's still no reason why you can't offer a heartfelt hug. After all, the rewards of a workplace hug-fest might just outweigh the discomfort.

In the world of office cuddles, it's essential to tread carefully, as different colleagues may have their own unique approach to this form of expression. Let's break it down:

  1. The Bully: Brace yourself for a potential bear hug. Bullies might go all-in, using a hard cuddle as a way to assert dominance. They might even throw in a hearty slap on the back to show their contempt.
  2. The Racist: Unfortunately, some individuals may let their biases affect their cuddling tendencies. A racist colleague might resist cuddling based on your ethnic background, and any attempt may lack sincerity.
  3. Ageists: Ageists come in two flavours. Young employees may avoid cuddles or rush through them, much like racists. On the other hand, older employees might seize the opportunity and attempt an inappropriate advance. If a line manager is present, they should watch for these situations and intervene if necessary.
  4. Perverts: Cuddling for perverts can be a challenge. They may use the closeness of a hug as an opportunity for inappropriate behaviour. Line managers must remain vigilant and swiftly separate any colleague who becomes a target of unwarranted advances.
  5. Egotistical Maniacs: These colleagues may overdo the hug, perhaps even lifting you off your feet to showcase their greatness. While not a threat, they can make things a tad uncomfortable.
  6. Psychopaths: Psychopaths might appear normal during a hug, but their grip strength could reveal their intentions. Use your intuition and judgment to assess the situation.
  7. Body Odor Colleagues: These individuals may not be aware of their condition and can be genuinely lovely people. If you genuinely like them, take a deep breath beforehand. If you've lost your sense of smell due to COVID-19 (like 42% of those infected), then hug away without worry.

Cuddling is Affection that leads to infection of wonderful love

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by The Office Bantomime Team

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