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Thrown Under the Bus: The Latest Office Trend

Thrown Under the Bus: The Latest Office Trend

The Office Bantomime Team profile image
by The Office Bantomime Team

Are you tired of the same old office jargon? Are you looking for a fresh new way to describe being betrayed by your coworkers? Look no further than "thrown under the bus" - the latest and greatest phrase to take the workplace by storm!

What Does It Even Mean?

Let's start with the basics. What does it mean to be "thrown under the bus"? Essentially, it's when one of your colleagues blames you for something that's not your fault, to save their skin. It's like getting hit by a bus, except the bus is your coworker and they're throwing you in front of it.

Imagine this scenario: You're in a crucial meeting with an important client, but your manager - who is hosting the meeting - doesn't show up. Now you're left to face an angry client alone, without any facts or information to defend yourself against their accusations. This experience can be both excruciating and terrifying, and the phrase "thrown under the bus" couldn't be more fitting.

Another example of this could be when your coworker goes on vacation and leaves you with their entire workload, but fails to provide any handover information on what needs to be done. This can be extremely frustrating, as you feel like you've been left to fend for yourself without any support.

The Origins of the Phrase

Believe it or not, "thrown under the bus" is actually a relatively new addition to the office lexicon. While the exact origin of the phrase is unclear, some speculate that it may have originated in the world of politics, where candidates are known for throwing their colleagues under the bus in order to improve their own chances of winning.

The Many Uses of "Thrown Under the Bus"

So why has this phrase become so popular in recent years? Perhaps it's because it's so versatile. You can use it to describe everything from a minor disagreement with a coworker to a full-blown corporate scandal. Plus, it's just so catchy! Who wouldn't want to say, "I can't believe she threw me under the bus like that"?

The Pros and Cons of Using "Thrown Under the Bus"

Of course, like any trendy office phrase, there are pros and cons to using "thrown under the bus". On the one hand, it's a great way to express your frustration with a colleague without resorting to more colourful language. On the other hand, it's possible that your boss or HR department may not take you seriously if you use too much slang. Plus, there's always the risk that your coworkers will start using the phrase ironically, rendering it completely meaningless.

The Future of "Thrown Under the Bus"

So what does the future hold for this beloved office phrase? Only time will tell. Perhaps it will become a timeless classic, like "thinking outside the box" or "synergy". Or perhaps it will fall out of favour as quickly as it rose to popularity. Either way, we can all agree that "thrown under the bus" has certainly made its mark on the world of work.

But let's not forget, that using the same phrase over and over again can get old fast. If you're feeling especially witty and creative, why not switch it up with some alternative phrases to describe being betrayed by your coworkers? Here are a few to get you started:

Classic's in their own right

  • "Stabbed in the back"
  • "Thrown to the wolves"
  • "Hung out to dry"
  • "Left high and dry"
  • "Sold down the river"
  • "Fed to the sharks"
  • "Dropped like a hot potato"
  • "Thrown to the lions"
  • "Abandoned ship"

Perhaps one of these expressions will catch on and become the next popular phrase in office jargon, despite being used by individuals in the past. In the meantime, we can all appreciate the fun and sense of community that comes with using an amusing phrase like "thrown under the bus". Just be careful not to let your guard down around your colleagues!


If you're looking for a fun and lighthearted way to describe your office drama, look no further than "thrown under the bus". It may not solve your problems, but at least it will give you a good laugh. And who knows - maybe you'll start a new trend in the process!

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by The Office Bantomime Team

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